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Graduate students showcase their work and experiences in exhibition

梅根Kenealy的年代, 阿里巴雷特’s graduate school theses explore topics close to their hearts. And the two art students are spreading messages of hope and love far beyond the confines of campus.

梅根和阿里, who are completing master’s degrees in teaching art at 布里奇沃特 State, are exhibiting their artwork at The Ignition Space in downtown Fall River. 阿里’s work focuses on climate change, while 梅根’s concerns the realities of being a surrogate.

“I love the fact that not only are we showing our work to the 布里奇沃特 community, but anyone who walks in off the street,梅金说。, who teaches at Abington High School and earned her undergraduate art degree from 布里奇沃特 in 2006. “It’s providing that connection between Fall River and BSU.”

For the Nurture/Nature exhibit, 阿里 highlighted the American bullfrog, a species that scientists think can thrive amid climate change. 与此同时, 梅根 takes visitors on her personal journey as a surrogate by weaving together artifacts and more traditional artwork. 

“This enriches the art and culture in Fall River,凯特·贝克尔说, site assistant for the Fall River 艺术 and 文化 Coalition, which runs The Ignition Space. “Also, it’s amazing to let people see the eclectic exhibit that this is. This show is so unique.”

梅根Kenealy stands next to her artwork.

梅根, who served as a surrogate for a family member who is in a same-sex relationship, incorporated hair and medical documents alongside art made with graphite and frozen breast milk.

“I hope (visitors) realize there’s a lot of different types of family,” 梅根 said. “I hope they can see the love that this journey was for all of us. I hope they see the hard work that goes into it and the relationship between all of us.”

Studying at BSU and working on the thesis helped her embrace the use of unconventional materials in her art. Now 梅根 said she is more confident encouraging Abington students to use their creativity in class and long after they graduate.

阿里巴雷特 stands next to a frog sculpture she made.

阿里, who teaches at King Philip Regional Middle School in Norfolk and once considered becoming a wildlife biologist, made a series of ceramic sculptures of frogs in aquatic, desert and swampy environments to show that life will continue even in the face of climate change. She aims to inspire those who feel it is too late to save Earth.

“I just get so overwhelmed thinking about all the negative outcomes for my future children and grandchildren,”她说。, wondering whether they will share the Earth with elephants, polar bears and other animals she loved as a kid. “I’m hoping people think it isn’t all doom and gloom.”

梅根和阿里 discussed their thesis work with their students, some of whom may even visit the exhibition.

The two educators met in a ceramics class at BSU and went on to take every course they could together.

“Meagan has taught me so much,” 阿里 said. “It’s been such a happy coincidence getting to know her.”

Nurture/Nature will be on display through Jan. 6 at The Ignition Space, 341 S. 主圣.福尔河. 

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